Music Listening, Music Therapy, Phenomenology and Neuroscience

(Nancy Kaufman) #1

Appendix 3.03 Survey of The Neurosciences

and Music III Conference 2008

Disorders and Plasticity

Part II. Normal and Impaired Singing



Title, Category


Mus. Material, Cultural Ref.

Technology & Procedure

Main focus of i



  1. Dalla Bella & Berkowska

Singing proficiency in the majority
Cat. 1: Pitch
Cat. 5: Song

. Berkowska & Dalla



Linguistic information and singing
Cat. 5: Song
Cat. 6: Language

We systematically


singing proficiency in a group of occasional singers, with the goal of characterizing the dif ferent patterns of poor singing
To examine the effect of reducing linguistic information on singing proficiency in occasional singers (Polish) witho

ut formal musical

Task material:
Sung Performance Battery (SPB), requiring repetition of isolated pitches, intervals, and short novel melodies. In addition, singing three well

known melodies at a natural tempo and a slow tempo, indicated by a me


CR: Western
Task material:
Three highly familiar songs: ”Brother John”, ”JIngle Bells”
”Sto lat”, with Polish lyrics
CR: Western

39 occasional singers. Tasks:
1) Production task: Sing the beginning of 3 melodies with Polish lyrics. 2) Repetiti


task: Imitate the same songs at a fixed slow tempo, indicated by metronome beat
39 occasional singers. Task: Sing melodies

a) with lyrics,

b) on the syllable


1a & 1

b) Production task:

singing from memory. 2a


2b) Repetition task: the same songs at a fixed slow tempo

Note onset times and pitch heights served to compute various measures of pitch and time accuracy (as below, 11S) Differences in pitch precision:
Interval errors, contour errors, interval deviation errors, initial pitch de

viation. Differences in

temporal precision: Note durations, temporal variability, tempo deviation

Poor singers were mos


impaired on the pitch dimension.
Repeating familiar melodies at a slow tempo improved accuracy on both the pitch and time dimension


Higher accuracy, mostly in the pitch dimension, when singers produced melodies on a syllable as compared to singing with lyrics
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