Music Listening, Music Therapy, Phenomenology and Neuroscience

(Nancy Kaufman) #1

Appendix 3.04 Survey of

The Neurosciences and Music I


Conference 2011

Learning and Memory

Workshop 2:



Title, Category


Mus. Material, Cultural Ref.

Technology & Procedure

Main focus of interes



  1. Stefanie Uibel
    Education through music

: The

model of the Musikkindergarten Berlin
Cat. 7: Culture Cat. 10: Training

  1. Maria Majno
    From “El Sistema” to other models: learning and integration through collective music education
    Cat. 7: Culture
    Cat. 10: Training
    7. Katie Overy
    Making music in a group: synchronisation, imitation and shared experience
    Cat. 7: Culture Cat. 17: Sensory


Articles: Molnar-

Szakacs &

Overy (2006)

. Overy &


-Szakacs (2009)

  1. Nigel Osborne
    Music a

s a therapeutic

resource for PTSD children in conflict zones
Cat. 11: Disorder
Cat. 12: Therapy

Kindergarten in which music is used as the central education medium during every child’s day. Examples from our experiences
over the last six years
The pre

sentation takes its

clue from the model of
the Venezuelan nationwide project “El Sistema”, and will survey a number of projects aiming at the exchange between social, educational, cultural and artistic contri

butions of such networks
I will outline the SA


(Shared Affective Motion Experience) model of musical experience

and propose that

the effects of

music are due to

the co-

occurrence of motor,

emotional and social facets of music
Based on experiences of using music as a therapeutic intervention for t


children in zones of conflict and


conflict, the paper

draws some clear connecting lines joining neuroscience research and therapeutic practice

Children experience
music in all its different aspects and in its unique
capability as a transfe


medium into all the other
educational areas
The unprecedented and unequalled success of
“Sistema” is based on its qualities as a vehicle
of social integration aiming at the prevention of endemic crime by offering an alternative “system” to children

artney: Hey Jude.
England football supporters in Portugal 2004

Method, ambition and experimental ground is not only education in or with music, but ‘education through music’
To distill

the principles for

higher efficiency, accessibility, stab

ility and

visibility of results

I sugge

st that the human

mirror neuron


provides a possible clue: it suggests

that when we hear

music, we do not only hear
abstract patterns of sound

we can also hear


expressive, human motor acts behind

those sounds

Neurophysiological symp

toms, including chronic raised tone in the sympathetic divi

sion of the autonomic nervous system

, leading to raised

heart rate, higher blood pressu

re, irregularities


breathing, dysregulation of movement repertoires

Consistent evidence linking PTSD to specific neurophysiological symptoms
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