The Art of Approaching

(Rick Simeone) #1

Why is this important?

Simple. If you DON’T open a woman, your chance of seeing her again and leading into
a relationship or sex is approximately...

Anyone? Anyone?

You guessed it -- ZERO!

After all, you can’t further an interaction that’s never been initiated. But when you DO
open a woman, your odds of segueing that into some type of relationship increase

From the opener, you have many different threads you can follow -- from friendship, to
girlfriend, to one night stand -- your options are only limited by your own beliefs and
social skills.

But you’re not going to get anywhere until you start that conversation, and start it off
RIGHT. Believe it or not, there is a wrong way to approach someone, which we’ll cover
later on in the book.

So now that you understand what an Opener is, and why it’s important, let’s move on to
another important concept – that of “Interest.”

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