The Art of Approaching

(Rick Simeone) #1


One of the best ways to get people interested in you is to present yourself as some type of
authority figure.

If you can speak confidently enough about something, while also giving people some
much appreciated guidance, you can engage anybody in a conversation.

The best way to present yourself as an authority in someone else’s world is to give
people advice.

The Advice Opener is a way to engage someone by doing this, so you not only present
yourself as an authority figure, but you also hook them into a conversation.

By nature, the Advice Opener falls under the category of “unsolicited advice.” Often
times, this type of advice can come off as annoying, since people neither asked nor
wanted any advice from you in the first place.

So to counteract this, you have to give VALUABLE advice to someone in order to get
them engaged.

So how do you make your advice valuable?

Well, firstly, you want to make it PRACTICAL.

Urging someone to walk out into the middle of a freeway is quite impractical advice,
because you’re advising them to put themselves in a bad situation. When we say
practical advice, we are talking about advice that can give it’s recipient a logical benefit,
and is something they are actually physically capable of following.

The second way to make your advice valuable is to make it positive and supporting of
your target’s choice.

This is important, because when you support your target’s choice, you are not only telling
them what they want to hear (and therefore will be accepted more readily), but you are
also suggesting a commonality between you and your target.

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