The Art of Approaching

(Rick Simeone) #1

And when you make the advice positive, you are presenting an attractive option that
you’re target may follow. And if they accept your advice, you have established yourself
as an authority.

On a quick note, Advice Openers are also somewhat context dependant. If it doesn’t look
like your target is in a situation where she needs advice, it might be preferable to Open
with another type of Opener.

So with this in mind, let’s get to the structure of a solid Advice Opener.


After spotting your target, observe her situation and find something to comment on.
Then, approach your target by offering your advice, and end by engaging them in some

Intruder Æ Offer Advice Æ Engage Target

As I mentioned before, this type of Opener is rather context dependant.

You can usually find a way to give someone good advice by analyzing the context you
are in and the possibilities that your target may explore.

Think of it like a chess game: What are the possible moves your target is going to make?
Help them pick the best move and share with them why they should make it.


--The “Gas” Opener

I’ve used this one at gas stations with some success.

Occasionally, while you’re fueling up your car, you’ll see a rather attractive
woman doing so nearby.

If this is the situation, I’ll see how much she’s spending on gas. If it looks like
she’s filling up her tank, I’ll usually call out:

“Hey, you know, you should never let your gas gauge fall below ¼ of a
tank. All sorts of dirt and grime accumulate at the bottom of your gas tank,
and if you go past the ¼ mark, you are putting all that dirt and grime into

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