The Art of Approaching

(Rick Simeone) #1
I call this the “Joey” Opener because the character Joey on the television show
“Friends” popularized this Opener. It’s meant to be said jokingly in your best
New Jersey accent.

Walk up to a girl, look her over, smile, then say:

“How YOU doin’?”

Some girls love this because it can be really funny, and if they’re a fan of the
show, they’ll get the humor.

Some might not respond to it, but if that’s the case, you can point out they either
don’t know the joke or aren’t a fan of the show.

--The “Leer” Opener

This is a bit of a risky Opener because it’s quite overtly sexual and could turn a
girl off. But if done with the right attitude and the right context, it can be quite

Basically you want to noticeably walk up to a girl, look her up and down, smile,
nod, and say:


The girl will either be flattered and play along, or she’ll be offended and creeped
out. If the latter is the case, apologize by saying:

“Oh, I’m sorry. I didn’t know you were so sensitive. I take it back, I
don’t find you attractive at all.”

If this offends the girl more, trust me, she isn’t someone you want to get to know
better. But most girls will come around after this one, especially if you do it with
a positive, joking attitude.


These are a few examples of Direct Openers. There are countless others. Everything
from “Wanna dance?” to “How much for a blowjob?” can be considered “Direct.” The
most important thing to remember when using this type of an opener is to be congruent
with it and make no apology for your rather blatant desires as a man. If you stick to it,
though your target may not go for you, they WILL, at the very least, respect you.

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