The Art of Approaching

(Rick Simeone) #1
Then after they answer, hit them with the question “Why?” to open up the

Your target may ask you more questions about your niece or whatnot before
answering. Just tell them whatever you want. No matter what they choose,
debate them on it, saying you missed your niece’s birthday last year so you want
this to be special.

If they asked why you missed her birthday, use this to jump into an interesting
story you may have about traveling or going on vacation.

--The “Snooping Girlfriend” Opener

This Opener works well in any situation with any number of women.

This is because it has to do with a relationship related problem that many women
can identify with. At times I’ve seen women get into a heated debate over this
one, which can be entertaining to watch.

It’s a slightly longer Opener than you may be used to, but it’s a good one none the

“Hey guys, I need a female perspective on something. This’ll only take a

Is it normal for girls to snoop?

Because my buddy’s girlfriend just found a shoebox he keeps hidden in a
dresser drawer, and she’s really upset about it.

It’s nothing bad, just pictures of him and ex-girlfriends on vacation and
old love letters he got in high school and stuff. But for some reason his
girlfriend is freaking out about this and wants him to get rid of it or she’s
threatening to break up with him.

Is this normal female behavior?”

So you’ll get your target’s perspective on this, and then follow it up with this:

“Okay, there’s a second part to this story...

The reason his girlfriend started snooping around was because she was
using his computer one day, and in the computer she found a CD that had
all these homemade pictures of my buddy and his ex-girlfriends having

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