The Art of Approaching

(Rick Simeone) #1

  • Hey, which do you think better – Diet Coke or Diet Pepsi? (Get Answer)

  • Hey, what do you think is cooler to listen to – 80’s music or 90’s music?
    (Get Answer) Why?

These are good ones to use in low key situations such as on the street, at the bus
stop, in line, in coffee shops, bookstores, grocery stores, what have you.

--The “First Impression” Opener

Like the “Two” Opener, the “First Impression” Opener isn’t a concrete example
of an Opener, rather just a type of an Opinion Opener.

It’s where you have something that is unique or interesting about yourself or what
you are wearing, and you ask people what their first impression of that is.

For instance, one I like to use is if I’m wearing a thumb ring. I’ll walk up to my
target, hold out my hand, and say:

“Hey guys, first impressions... thumb rings on a man. Looks good or no?

“Yo, guys, first impressions... men with shaved heads. What do you

Another example of this type of Opinion Opener is when I bought some square
tipped shoes. I’d walk up to women and say:

“Hey guys, first impressions... square tipped shoes. Better than the
regular kind? What do you think?”

Usually taking something interesting that you’re wearing and getting a woman’s
opinions on it is a good way to engage them, because women love to talk about

One drawback to this is that it gives the girl the opportunity to judge you. But if
you have a good story prepared as to why you are wearing what you are and why
you like it, then that negates what your target has to think of it anyway.

Regardless, this is a good way to engage a girl right off the bat.


As you can see, Opinion Openers are quite powerful because they can quickly and easily
engage any target of your choice. And they are as plentiful as Situational Openers

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