The Art of Approaching

(Rick Simeone) #1
I guess he was looking at them and forgot he left the CD in the computer.

But for some reason, his girlfriend isn’t upset about THAT.

What upset her more was the box of love letters.

Why do you think that is?”

From here, there are many places you can take the conversation. They are as

  • Does your target think your friend should break up with his girlfriend
    because she’s being unreasonable?

  • Don’t girls usually keep mementos from past relationships? Why is it
    wrong for a guy to do the same?

  • Have they ever snooped when they were in a relationship? Don’t they
    think that’s a bad idea?

Those are just a few examples.

You can really go anywhere with this one.

Occasionally, a girl may say “Oh, you’re talking about yourself aren’t you?” To
which you will want to act all shy and say something like “Awww, you caught me.
You’re so smart! Who are you? Nancy Drew?” And then continue with the story.

Don’t deny that the story is about you, because the girl probably won’t believe
you anyway and you’ll look like a liar.

Best just to shrug it off and forge ahead.

--The “Two” Opener

This is not really a concrete example of an “Opener,” rather a type of Opener that
you can use with anything that is different but similar.

Basically, it’s meant to quickly engage someone in an opinion that doesn’t require
much thought, and then follow up with the question “Why?” You can use any
two things you want, as long as they are similar in some way.

Here are some examples of the “Two” Opener:

  • Hey, real quick, which do you think was better, Star Wars or the Empire
    Strikes Back? (Get Answer) Why?

  • Hey, which do you prefer – Barbie or Skipper? (Get Answer) Why?

  • Hey, do you like coffee or tea better? (Get Answer) Why?

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