If you’ve ever watched the Nature Channel or Animal Planet on TV, you’ve undoubtedly
seen one of those “Animals in the Wild” shows that documents how said animals live,
sleep, eat, and of course, mate.
If you watch these shows, you’ll almost always get to a segment where the animal’s
“mating ritual” takes center stage.
The narrator, in all the gravitas his voice can muster, will undoubtedly explain what
exactly the animal is doing and why it is designed to attract its mate.
Take the peacock, for example. Here you have a lovely bird with a beautiful,
multicolored tail which serves no real purpose in the animal’s survival (after all, those
beautiful colors tend to attract predators, and peacocks can’t run very fast with all those
heavy feathers). But they do serve as a courtship device to attract females so the peacock
can mate. When you see a peacock spread its feathers, you know he’s on the prowl!
By the same token, us humans have mating rituals that we go through to attract the
opposite sex as well. Like the peacock, we too like to flaunt our tail feathers from time to
time, but our equivalent of that stunning plumage is our intelligence, language, social
status, and all sorts of other human characteristics that separate us from the animals.
When we combine these aspects of ourselves and manifest them for the purpose of
attracting a woman, we’re doing what is commonly known as “flirting.”
Like the animals on all those nature shows, flirting is a natural instinct that humans abide
by to get an initial attraction with the opposite sex. Flirting is a complex set of unwritten
laws and etiquette designed to express interest in someone and get them to express
interest back.
Many times, we flirt instinctively, without conscious knowledge of what we’re really
doing. The only time we really realize we’re flirting is when it’s not working, or
something goes wrong – be it by flirting with the wrong person, or doing so at an
inappropriate time and place.
For instance, you ever meet a girl who was cute, fun, bubbly, and seemed to really enjoy
your company? She’d laugh at your jokes, smile at you all the time, and do all sorts of
activities with you? Like any guy, you’d think to yourself “Wow! This girl really likes
me! She’s totally into me!” But then when you go to kiss her or express your interest,
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