When it comes to communicating these traits, the non-verbal element is always more
important than the verbal aspect. Too many guys think that just by chatting up a girl,
they will be able to successfully get her attracted.
Actions speak louder than words, fellas. Women will pick up on what you do way more
than what you say. Your body language, voice tonality, and gestures will communicate
all you need without you actually having to say anything.
For instance, let’s say you see a beautiful woman and you walk up to her and say
“Hello.” Now, depending on how you walk up to her, and how you say hello, you can
communicate anything from “You are the sexiest woman alive and I want to make mad,
passionate love to you,” to “I’m just being polite and I’m not interested in you at all.”
We covered the nonverbal aspects of flirting in great detail in the “Art of Body
Language” section of this book, and the verbal aspects were hit upon in the “Art of
Approaching” section. Go back and re-read those chapters if you are unclear on them.
For now, we’re going to focus on a few guidelines for flirting.
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