The Art of Approaching

(Rick Simeone) #1

Once upon a time, back in the days of nomads and camels, when life was harsh, you
needed strong men to work the fields, tend the flock, and carry on the family name and

In days like this, women were worthless. They were only good for the pleasure of sex,
tending to their husband, and birthing a male heir.

Because of this, women were used as commodities. Fathers would barter their daughters
to other families in exchange for land, animals, gold, and whatever else they could
negotiate. This way, they would get rid of another mouth to feed, and add to the family

But because it was important to have male heirs, those bartering for the women wanted to
make sure they were “untouched.” After all, who would want to care for a child who was
not his own in these difficult times?

So a woman who had sex before marriage, in a time when there was no such thing as
birth control, would very likely get pregnant.

And a pregnant woman, or a woman with a child out of wedlock, could not be married
off to another family.

So to ensure their daughters retained maximum tradability, fathers would forbid sex.
They would guard their daughter’s virginity with their life – especially if he had no male

It was in this time that religion adopted the notion of “no sex before marriage” concept,
as a form of birth control.

This way, women would stay in line and protect their virginity of their own free will,
which made the father’s job much easier.

Unfortunately, this concept hasn’t changed with the times. Nowadays, we have birth
control methods. Women have equal rights (in most parts of the world). There is no
reason to continue to believe in this out-dated form of birth control.

But Organized Religion hates to give up any control it has over its followers.

The way I look at it is like this: God would not have made sex so pleasurable had he
not intended us to have lots of it and enjoy doing it.

Women love sex every bit as much as men do. So to continue to look at sex, marriage,
and women through a belief system that was set up thousands of years ago to help fathers
get rich off their daughters is just... plain... dumb.

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