The Art of Approaching

(Rick Simeone) #1

If you find that you have a difficult time with relating to women, that you harbor lots of
negative emotions and thoughts towards them and sex, I highly recommend you take a
look at your faith.

Sit down and write out everything you believe in.

(Seriously, do this ASAP!)

Even if you don’t believe in God, or whatever, write out what you DO believe.

And once you write out every single thing you believe in, ask yourself:

“Why do I believe this?”

And write down your answers.

Once you do this exercise, and you start to see the junk you have floating around in that
head of yours, you will start to see what’s been holding you back.

Remember: Believe in the core of your religion, not the false dogma introduced by
man. God wants you to be happy. He wants you to live a full and content life. When
you deny yourself this by believing in negative things that hold you back from happiness,
you are going AGAINST God’s will.

Follow your happiness, and you will never go wrong.

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