The Art of Approaching

(Rick Simeone) #1


“Dude, I totally feel like I’m in Back To The Future,” said David.

It was midday on a Wednesday. Me and my friend David were walking around The
Grove, LA’s resident open-air mall. In a city where it rains once every four months or so,
outdoor malls are pretty common. The Grove is the newest one.

I’m convinced it was designed around the Clock Tower set from Back To The Future,
with a large building with a clock overlooking a large fountain and street lined with shops.

My friend David had never been there before, so I had described the setting from Back To
The Future as best I could to give him an idea of what the place looked like. It seems I
hit the nail on the head.

“Told ya,” I said.

As we walked along the street that looped around the mall, we came upon a small kiosk
stationed on the sidewalk. These kiosks were stationed about every ten feet or so, with
some poor college kid manning the booth selling various trinkets and nick-nacks.

Some contained things like sunglasses, others stuffed animals, some had perfume, and
various other things.

At this one, there was a pretty little blonde girl selling massage balls. As David and I
approached, she stopped us.

“Would you guys like to try a massage ball?” she asked.

I gave her a strange look at this. “Did you just say you wanted to massage my balls?” I
said in mock shock.

Her eyes went wide. “No!” she said.

“I should hope not,” I replied. “I require you at least buy me dinner and a movie first.”

She laughed at that. “I don’t have any money, that’s why I’m here selling massage

“Ah, I see. So you’re just after me for my money, is that it?” I said.

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