The Art of Approaching

(Rick Simeone) #1

Another big thing to note is that excited interest and attraction causes pupil dilation and
a flushed appearance in the cheeks, so when talking to a woman, always note what her
eyes are doing.

The more the pupils are dilated, the more attraction she is experiencing! Pupil dilation is
always a big indicator of interest because women have ABSOLUTELY NO CONTROL
over it! It’s an unconscious bodily response to stimuli that they can’t control.

Now, keep in mind, if it’s dark or she’s under the influence of drugs, her pupils will
naturally dilate. But all things being equal, this is a great sign to look for. We’ll go more
into pupil dilation later on.

Another big sign is the Head Toss. This is when the head is flicked to toss her hair back
over her shoulders or away from her face. You’ve seen this type of action in pretty much
every shampoo commercial ever made. The funny thing is, even women with short hair
do this! So keep an eye out for the tried and true head toss.

Another sign of attraction is when a woman exposes her wrists to you. A woman will
gradually expose the soft, smooth skin of her wrists towards men she is attracted to. Why
this is, I don’t know. Maybe it’s because the skin around the wrists is thin and therefore
highly erotic and sensitive.

This also exposes the palms of the hands, which is an “accepting” gesture, like she’s
offering you to take her by the hand and lead her into the bedroom. You’ll often see this
signal with women who smoke. Watch their wrists. If they expose their wrists to you
while she’s holding her cigarette, she’s telling you something!

This next one should be pretty obvious. OPEN LEGS! If a woman’s legs are open
towards you, guess what – that’s a pretty big “GO” signal. Now, don’t expect a woman
to go full spread-eagle on you when giving you this signal. Usually it’s very subtle, like
if she uncrosses her legs to expose a slight gap.

Look at a woman’s hips when she walks as well. The hips naturally have an accentuated
roll to them when walking. This is nature’s way of highlighting a woman’s pelvic region.
If a woman is walking with an obvious roll of the hips, she’s signaling something to
every man in eyeshot – she’s looking for a guy to sweep her off her feet!

The sideways glance is another fantastic approach invitation. Its kind-of like a “peek-a-
boo” motion. This is when a woman will hold a man’s gaze just long enough for him to
notice, then looks away. This is a typical flirting look, and she may do it numerous times,
as if she’s seeing if you’re going to come talk to her or not. Watch out for the sideways
glance that occurs over a raised shoulder! When she’s almost turning around to face you,
that’s a sure sign she wants to talk to you!!!

Pay close attention to a woman’s mouth, and you will get a good idea if she’s open to
your advances. A slightly open mouth with wet, glistening lips is a definite sign a

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