The Art of Approaching

(Rick Simeone) #1

woman is open to being approached. It gives off a distinct sexual invitation. Pay
attention to whether or not a woman licks her lips while taking to you, and you’ll know
she’s getting aroused.

Look at what her hands are doing as well. Women who fondle cylindrical objects, such
as cigarettes, fingers, drinking glasses, and a number of other thin objects, are signaling
an unconscious indication of what they may have in mind.

One of the biggest signals to look for is how women cross their legs when they sit. If
you look at how guys sit, we will often sit with our legs apart, displaying our crotch for
all to see, because we’re always open for business! But when women cross their legs, it’s
a gesture of protection for their genital area. When women position their legs in ways
that make their genitals more vulnerable, you have a major GO signal.

The first big leg cross signal is the knee point. This is when one leg is crossed under
another, taking the shape of an upside-down “L,” where the knee of the leg that’s tucked
in points at the person the girl is interested in. This knee point position is a relaxed one
that you’ll see girls use often.

When a woman crosses her legs and presses one leg firmly against another, so that the
calf of her crossed leg is pressed against her other leg, this gives the impression of high
muscle tone in the legs, and can drive some men crazy at the sight of it. In this position,
women are also able to expose more of their thigh, which is meant to communicate

If a woman is playing with her shoe or gently stroking her thigh while her legs are
crossed, this can be an indication of interest as well. Both actions are meant to call
attention to her legs (and by the same token, her genital area). Also, notice if she crosses
her legs slowly in front of you. This is a major signal that she wants you to notice what’s
between there!

Remember the golden rule of picking up women: PAY ATTENTION! Keep your eyes
peeled for the gestures and signals women who are open to meeting you give off. It will
make your job a million times easier!

When I was playing around with the girl at the mall, I was not paying attention to her in
the slightest. I was too busy thinking of witty things to say to notice the signals she was
giving out.

But the simple act of paying attention to her movements and her body would have told
me I was doing much better at attracting her than I thought I was.

Learning to read a woman’s body language cues is VITAL to your success.

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