The Art of Approaching

(Rick Simeone) #1


The Chinese believe in the flow of energy within our bodies. Most of their medical
science is based around this concept.

Words like “pressure points” and “Chi” help to describe the phenomenon of energy in our

It is believed that energy can be transferred through the act of touch. That is why when
we are injured, our first instinct is to place our hand on the injury. Its believed that we
naturally transfer more energy to those parts of the body that are injured when we touch
them, and that energy helps to heal the wound or ease the pain of the injury.

But this works when we touch parts of the body that aren’t injured as well.

When you touch another person, you are exchanging energies. Energies can help build or
influence emotion.

Don’t be afraid to touch women you’re talking to in order to help strengthen the comfort
and connection you’re building with her. Subtly touching her on the forearm or shoulder
when you start to tell her something new can do wonders. If she starts to touch you back,
she is signaling that she feels comfortable enough to invade your personal space.

Depending on where you touch a woman, she’s going to signal how comfortable she is
with you. Typically, the hand, wrist, forearms, shoulders, and knee are the “low risk”
zones. They’re areas of a woman’s body you can touch to initiate contact with her.

The next step up from that is the elbow, the waist, the thighs, the hips, and the back. This
is slightly more intrusive and requires greater comfort on the woman’s part to allow you
to touch there without her retreating.

Finally, there’s the face, neck, inner thigh, and chest area. You can only successfully
touch a woman in these areas if she is completely comfortable with you. Typically, if
you notice you can touch these areas without the girl retreating or reacting badly, she is
ready to be kissed.

Remember to be experiencing the right emotion when touching a woman you’re attracted
to. If you’re feeling nervous, creepy, scared, sad, or any other negative emotion, that
energy will be transferred into them.

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