The Art of Approaching

(Rick Simeone) #1


My friend Dan and I were walking down Melrose Avenue around lunchtime when it

Dan is one of my “natural” friends. He’s the type of guy who easily picks up women
wherever he goes. That day, we had gone down to Melrose to pick up some new clothes,
since most of the trendier stores are located there.

Of course, this also means some amazingly beautiful women are located there too!

During the afternoon, you can have hundreds of beautiful women walking up and down
Melrose Avenue shopping, eating lunch with their friends, or just hanging out. Most of
them tend to be rich girls who don’t have to work.

Dan and I were heading towards the Johnny Rocket’s café. I was talking about how I
needed to lose a few pounds to fit into some of the trendier shirts for sale in the shops
around here.

I was so into my conversation, that I didn’t notice the 5’6 brunette who passed me by.

Suddenly, Dan disengaged from the conversation and watched the girl go. I looked at

“What?” I asked. “What is it?”

“Did you see that?” Dan asked.

“No, what happened?”

“She just checked you out,” Dan said, smiling and nudging me.

I turned and looked at the brunette. She had kept walking, not even turning back to look
at me.

“No she didn’t!” I said. “You’re full of crap.”

“You mean you didn’t notice?” said Dan.

“Notice what? What the hell are you talking about?” I asked.

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