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desire to assist those who have no other source of aid. Whatever the reason
the responders come, the people to whom the services are being rendered
should be, and most often are, aware of the great sacrifices these responders
are making.
12.3 Types of Multiple Fatality Incidents/Mass Disasters
Mass disasters can result from multiple causes. The forces of nature are
very powerful and can easily destroy man-made objects and take human
lives. Transportation of large numbers of people presents the possibility for
large-scale injuries and death if an accident occurs. Terrorism has become
another disturbing source for mass disasters.
12.3.1 Natural Disasters
Natural disasters include hurricanes, tornadoes, floods, volcanoes, earth-
quakes, tsunamis, and any other natural phenomena that cause destruction.
Most of nature’s disasters come very quickly and surprise the unsuspecting
population. Weather and seismic predictors have been employed and improved
as early warning systems that have the potential to save countless lives. Other
than warning and evacuation to safer areas, there are no dependable ways and
means to prevent natural disasters.
12.3.2 Transportation Accidents
Transportation modes that have experienced accidents include airplanes,
trains, and passenger liners on lakes, seas, and oceans.^3 Any mode of
transportation that moves large numbers of people is at risk. Within the
United States and its protectorates, the National Transportation Safety
Board (NTSB) is the agency in charge of the site of an incident and for the
investigation and management of the search and recovery element of the
event. The Fa mi ly Assista nce Act of 1996 gives t he aut horit y to t he NTSB
to ensure that the families of victims associated with a multi ple fatality
incident are properly served by the responders. If the local response fails
to accomplish this task within the requirements of the NTSB, the NTSB
is allowed to replace the local response teams with an entity that can
provide the needed services. One of the services deemed most needed for
t he families is a Family Assistance Center to prov ide t he family members
with things necessary for their comfort and well-being. Many times
transportation accidents involve fuels, toxic container rupture, or other
complications creating extreme hazards for the responders. A safety and