Forensic Dentistry, Second Edition

(Barré) #1

dental identification in multiple Fatality incidents 249

hazmat team is used to maximize responders’ safety and protect the
health of the public.

12.3.3 Terrorism

Terrorism is the use of threats and actions to create fear within a target
population. The most common form of terrorism seen in current times
involves some sort of explosive device used to kill and maim large numbers
of people. Weapons of Mass Destruction

Weapons of mass destruction (WMD) is a term used to define these mech-
anisms that go beyond the conventional improvised explosive devices or
suicide car bombs and escalate to mechanisms introducing radiation and
pathogens that increase the fear-producing powers of the devices. A bomb
similar to the one used in the 1995 Oklahoma City bombing of the Murrah
Federal Building that killed 168 individuals and injured nearly 800 others
could have injured or killed most of the population downwind of the explo-
sion if it had contained certain WMD elements. The response to terrorism
must always consider such WMD usage. Protection of everyone, including
the responders, is important in an MFI, and decontamination may be neces-
sary before the normal forensic process can begin.

12.4 Disaster Site/Crime Scene Management

12.4.1 Crime Scene

All disaster sites should be managed and processed like a crime scene.
Control of the scene and maintaining appropriate chain of evidence is of
utmost importance. There should be an assigned position for scene security
to ensure the integrity of the investigation. In transportation accidents the
NTSB will have authority in these matters. In other mass disaster scenarios
law enforcement officers may be utilized to fill the position due to the nature
of their formal training. Each team member should be instructed on the
importance of following the instructions of the site security officer.

12.4.2 Incident Perimeter

The incident perimeter should be established by the authorities of the site as
soon as possible. This will facilitate control of the scene. Whether it involves
a single building or half a city, the barriers controlling the perimeter should
be well defined and visible to workers and the public. Once the perimeter

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