318 Forensic dentistry
individual marks. He consulted with three board-certified forensic dentists,
Drs. Marden Alder, Paul Stimson, and C. Michael Bowers. He sent them
de-identified duplicate materials and solicited their independent opinions.
None of the three knew the details of the case or the identity of the victim or
suspect. All three independently wrote reports stating that the person rep-
resented by the dental models provided could not have made the bitemarks
on the breast. The four reports excluding Torgersen were sent to Norway.
In 2001 the Supreme Court of Norway held a special hearing to again review
the evidence in Torgersen’s case. Drs. MacDonald and Whittaker testified
Figure 14.10 the only image of the bitemark with scale from the 1957 examina-
Figure 14.11 Closeup view of the bitemark in 1957.