Table of Contents
Preface ix
The Editors xi
The Contributors xiii
1 Science, the Law, and Forensic Identification 1
Christopher J. plourd
2 History of Forensic Dentistry 11
paula C. Brumit and paul G. stimson
3 Scope of Forensic Odontology 25
BruCe a. sChrader and david r. s enn
4 Death Investigation Systems 31
randall e. Frost
5 Forensic Medicine and Human Identification 61
d. KimBerley molina
6 Fingerprints and Human Identification 79
aaron J. uhle
7 DNA and DNA Evidence 103
Brion C. smith and david sweet o.C.
8 Forensic Anthropology 137
harrell Gill-KinG
9 Forensic Dental Identification 163
miChael p. taBor and BruCe a. sChrader