viii table of Contents
10 Forensic Dental Radiography 187
riChard a. weems
11 Forensic Dental Photography 203
FranKlin d. wri Ght and GreGory s. Golden
12 Dental Identification in Multiple Fatality
Incidents 245
Bryan Chrz
13 Age Estimation from Oral and Dental Structures 263
edward F. harris, harry h. minCer,
Kenneth m. anderson, and david r. s enn
14 Bitemarks 305
david r. s enn and riChard r. souviron
15 Abuse: The Role of Forensic Dentists 369
John d. mCdowell
16 Jurisprudence and Legal Issues 379
roBert e. Barsley, thomas J. david, and
hasKell m. pitluCK
17 Evidence Management 395
sCott hahn
18 Future of Forensic Dentistry 405
david r. s enn and paul G. stimson
Appendix: U.S. Federal and State Court Cases of
Interest in Forensic Odontology 411
Compiled By hasKell m. pitluCK and
roBert e. Barsley
Index 423