Interior Design Faculty

(singke) #1

316 registration and academic policies

with the VA directly. All transactions are

carried out with the Buffalo Office:

P.O. Box 4616, Buffalo, NY 14240.

The New York Regional Office is at

245 W. Houston Street (at Varick Street),

New York, NY 10014.

Transfer Credits

Transfer Credit Prior

to Matriculation

residency requirement

The number of credits toward a master’s

degree that may be transferred from

another graduate institution varies within

the schools and programs, but generally

it does not exceed 25 percent of the total

credits required for the program.

The professional Master of

Architecture Program has a residency

requirement of 66 percent, which permits

33 percent of transfer credits. Students

interested in receiving graduate transfer

credits should arrange for an appointment

with their department chair.

Credit will be allowed for graduate

courses that are appropriate to the

curriculum at Pratt and that have been

passed with a grade of B or better.

transfer of credits

All students petitioning for transfer

credit(s) must submit a final, official

transcript from all colleges attended.

Credit evaluations will be completed

only after acceptance. Students seeking

transfer credit for professional courses in

art and design or architecture are required

to submit a portfolio reflective of their

coursework completed in prior college(s)

as part of the admissions application.

Transfer credit is only awarded for

courses taken at accredited colleges and

universities. Courses taken at unac-

credited or only nationally accredited

institutions will be reviewed on a course-

by-course basis only at the request of the

student. Additional documents will be

requested at that time. Credit may only be

given for courses appropriate to the cur-

riculum at Pratt. Courses that have been

applied toward an earned graduate degree

will not be considered for transfer credit.

A grade of B or better from domestic in-

stitutions and a numeric evaluation of 80

or better from international institutions

will be considered acceptable for transfer

to the Pratt record. Transfer credit is not

included in the scholastic index and grade

point average. All official transcripts

must be submitted to the Institute prior

to enrollment. Failure to submit these

documents on time may result in loss of

transfer credit.

International students may be

required to submit additional class hour

documentation to determine an American

semester hour equivalent or have their

credentials or international credit hours

evaluated by an official international

credit evaluations service like World

Education Services (WES). Pratt will

accept international credit evaluations

performed by any member of the

National Association of Credit Evaluation

Services (NACES).

Transfer Credit After Matriculation

Every student, once matriculated at Pratt

is expected to complete his or her degree

requirements at Pratt. In exceptional

circumstances, a student who is in good

academic standing may request to take a

course at another college. These students

must get permission in advance to take

courses at other colleges for transfer to

their Pratt record.

The student must first secure written

approval on the permission form available

in the Office of the Registrar to take

courses at another college. Permission

for course credit must be approved by

the dean of the student’s school. The

approved permission must be signed for

clearance and filed in the Office of the

Registrar before the course is taken. Upon

completion, an official transcript must be

sent to the Registrar’s Office for the credit

to be transferred.

To be accepted for transfer credit, the

course must be recognized for graduate

level credit by the other institution and

must be passed with a grade no lower than

B. A grade of B– is not acceptable for trans-

fer purposes. Final grades of all transferred

credits are not included in the GPA.

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