Interior Design Faculty

(singke) #1

registration and academic policies 317


Experience Credit

Based on previous work experience and/

or portfolio, credit may be granted only

for work experience gained before initial

matriculation at the Institute. This is

available to all graduate students in both

the School of Architecture and the School

of Art and Design. When applying for

admission the student should indicate

his or her intention to seek credits for

work experience. Students must submit

the following documentation for credit


▶ (^) Résumé
▶ (^) Professional portfolio
▶ (^) Letters from employers detailing
responsibilities and areas of
To apply for portfolio/work experience
credit, the following steps must be
▶ (^) Petition in person at the office of
the appropriate chair before initial
enrollment for classes. You will be
advised as to the feasibility of your
request and given a statement of
intent to be completed. You should
keep a copy of the document and be
sure another is in your permanent
▶ (^) Present a copy of the Statement
of Intent to the Registrar’s Office
with a $100 deposit. The Office
of the Registrar will give you an
application form, which should
be returned to that office after
completion. When the entire
process is complete, the Registrar’s
Office will apply the deposit to a
fee schedule of 30 percent of the
regular per-credit tuition rate per
credit evaluated.
▶ (^) Submit documentation as described
above to appropriate departmental
chair. Please allow one week for
▶ (^) Return the application with the
proper authorization to the Office of
the Registrar to complete the process.
You will be billed accordingly.
Payment is due upon billing. Credits
earned through this procedure are
not included in the GPA. They will
not count toward the Institute’s
minimum residence requirement.
Student Status
Full-Time Graduate
To establish full-time equivalence,
graduate students must enroll for nine or
more semester credits (or an equivalent
combination of credits and activities
recognized as applicable). Graduate
students enrolled in their thesis course
or Thesis In Progress are considered full
time. Students registered for Intensive
English are considered registered in
activities equivalent to two credits for
each section.
Part-Time Graduate
Graduate students are classified as
part time if they schedule or drop to
fewer than nine credits of registered
course work.
Class Rosters and Attendance Policy
In accordance with college policy and
Department of Education regulations,
faculty is required to take attendance for
all students in all course sections. Updated
attendance rosters are turned in after the
third week of classes and at the end of the
semester. Faculty members are required
to submit completed attendance rosters
to the Registrar’s Office for permanent
storage. Attendance records are used for
several purposes, including the evaluation
of late requests for withdrawal and
determination of last date of attendance
for the proper return of Title IV moneys
to the government.
The continued registration of any
student is contingent upon regular
attendance, the quality of work and
proper conduct. Irregular attendance,
neglect of work, failure to comply with
Institute rules and official notices, or
conduct not consistent with general good
order are regarded as sufficient reasons for
There are no excused absences or cuts.
Students are expected to attend all classes.
Any absences may affect the final grade.
Three absences may result in course
failure at the discretion of the instructor.

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