Interior Design Faculty

(singke) #1

registration and academic policies 323

cr (credit)

Indicates that the student’s achievement

was satisfactory to assure proficiency in

subsequent courses in the same or related

areas. The CR grade does not affect the

student’s academic index. The CR grade

is to be assigned to all appropriately

documented transfer credits.

The CR grade is applied to credit

earned at Pratt only if:

▶ (^) The student is enrolled in any
course offered by a school other
than the one in which the student
is matriculated, and had requested
from the professor at the start of the
term a CR/NCR option as a final
grade for that term.
▶ (^) The instructor has received approval
to award CR grades from the Office
of the Provost. (This does not apply to
liberal arts courses within the School
of Liberal Arts and Sciences.)
ip (in progress )
Designation used only for graduate
student thesis, thesis project for which
satisfactory completion is pending, or
Intensive English course for which
satisfactory competence level is pending.
inc (incomplete)
Designation given by the instructor at
the written request of the student and
available only if the student has been in
regular attendance, to indicate the student
has satisfied all but the final require-
ments of the course, and has furnished
satisfactory proof that the work was not
completed because of illness or other cir-
cumstances beyond his or her control. The
student must understand the terms neces-
sary to fulfill the requirements of the
course and the date by which work must
be submitted. If the work is not submitted
by the understood date of submission, the
incomplete will be converted to a failure.
If unresolved at the end of following
semester, the grade is changed to failure
with a numerical grade value of 0.
ncr (no credit)
Indicates that the student has not
demonstrated proficiency. (See CR for
conditions of use.)
ng (no grade reported)
Indicates that the student was properly
registered for the course but the
faculty member issued no grade. The
student should contact the professor.
Students cannot graduate with an
NG on their record.
nr (no record)
Grade given for no record of attendance
in an enrolled course. All NR designations
must be resolved by the end of the follow-
ing term or the grade is changed to a letter
grade of F with a numerical value of 0.
wd (withdrawal from
a registered class)
Indicates that the student was permitted
to withdraw from a course in which he or
she was officially enrolled during the drop
period for that semester.
grade reports
Grade reports are not mailed to students.
Grades may be obtained via my.pratt.
edu (see instructions below). Professors
submit final grades online and students
are able to view their grades as soon as
the instructor enters them. If there are
any questions about the grade received,
a student should contact the instructor
immediately. Only the instructor can
change a grade by properly completing,
signing, and submitting a Change of
Grade form directly to the Office of the
Registrar. Time limits have been allotted
for resolving grade problems. Spring and
summer grades may not be changed after
the last day of the following fall semester.
Fall grades cannot be changed after the
last day of the following spring semester.
Once this time limit has passed, all INC
and NR grades will convert to Fs. To view
grades online:

  1. Log in with your OneKey at;

  1. Click on the Academic Tools tab

near the top of the page. Then click

on the red Academic Tools link;

  1. After the system logs you in, click on

the “Students” menu on the sidebar;

  1. Choose from the options offered

under My Grades and Transcripts.

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