Techniques and Principles in Language Teaching 3rd edition (Teaching Techniques in English as a Second Language)

(Nora) #1
language    development,    and explicit    instruction in  learning    strategies.

(^2) This lesson has been adapted from the one presented in Chapter 2 of Dishon and O’Leary 1984.
(^3) We have drawn on descriptions from Christison (1996) and Lazear (1997) to explain seven of the eight
intelligences. Gardner added the eighth intelligence some years after he proposed the original seven. We have
also learned from John Balbi’s presentation on multiple intelligences at the New York State TESOL Conference,
Saratoga Springs, New York, 24 November 1996.
(^4) Based on Emanuela Agostini’s presentation ‘Seven Easy Pieces,’ at TESOL Italy on 6 December 1997.

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