Neuro Linguistic Programming

(Wang) #1

104 Part II: Winning Friends and Influencing People

learners benefit from practical sessions and role playing: they prefer
a ‘hands-on’ approach. Teachers of groups of pupils need to provide
a multi-sensory approach that caters for all styles. Children may be
labelled as ‘slow’ when in fact the dominant teaching style doesn’t fit
with their preferred way of learning. All these principles apply to adult
learners, too.
✓ Increasing the impact of the written word. When you put pen to paper
and words to screen – from a job description, to customer proposal,
charity letter, product advertisement, or article for your local commu-
nity newsletter – you need to broaden your vocabulary to cover all the
representational systems. To appeal to every reader, select words that
include all three dimensions.

✓ Connecting with clients and colleagues on the phone. Nowadays more
and more business happens on the phone and through email rather
than face-to-face. You may never get to meet some of your clients or
colleagues. Keep a pad by the phone and make a note of the kind of lan-
guage they use – can you hear visual, auditory, or kinaesthetic language?
As you listen, and then reply, phrase your sentences to match their

Focus on one sense a day

While reading this chapter, you may have
become more curious about yourself and those
with whom you spend time – how you and they
think and experience life. To enhance your skills
further, you can explore your senses in different
ways, for example, picking a sense theme for
each day.

Perhaps you can make today an olfactory day,
when you pay attention to every fragrance,
smell, and aroma. Or a visual day, when you

switch off the music and focus on the sights,
shapes, and pictures – really see what’s around
you. A touch day can be fun, when you feel the
surrounding textures or get in touch with your
feelings at regular points in the day.

If you’re a creature of habit who takes the dog
for a walk every morning or drives the same
route every day, notice what changes for you
when you pay attention to just one sense at a
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