The Drawings of Michelangelo and His Followers in the Ashmolean Museum

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0521551331 c 01 a CUNY 160 /Joannides 052155 133 1 January 10 , 2007 22 : 25


D. A seated figure in right profile, head turned in and
slumped on left hand and right knee, which is raised;
right arm hangs down.
This was obviously drawn for the right-hand figure in the
Roboam-Abiaslunette; see also Cat. 9 recto B.
E.Seated female figure seen from front, leaning to her
left, with child.
This was certainly drawn for the left-hand figure in theSalmon-
Booz-Obethlunette; because the frescoed figure corresponding
to D is on the right and the frescoed figure corresponding to
Eisonthe left of their respective lunettes, the positioning of
the figures in the ceiling is close to that seen here. This suggests
that Michelangelo was thinking about the figures in relation to
each other.
F. The torso for figure in right profile who seems to be
striking something below him.
This seems to be for a figure in a scene of action and the only
suggestion that the compiler can make is that it might be a
preliminary idea for Abraham in aSacrifice of Isaac,acomposi-
tion found in the simulated bronze roundel directly above the

Libica, although the scene as painted is represented much more

Ottley, 1808 - 23 ,p. 29 .Woodburn, 1836 b, included in
no. 50. Fisher, 1852 ,p. 1 , pl. 6 ,right (Recto); pl. 7 ,
left (Verso.). Fisher, 1865 ,p. 16 ,I,pl. 6 ,right (Recto.);
pl. 7 , left (Verso.). Robinson,187 0,no. 24. 2 (Michel
Angelo. Recto: one figure [D] immediately recognis-
able as PatriarchBoaz;the other [C] probably forAmi-
nadab.Verso: sketches forPersicha [B], Roboam-Abias
[D], andSalmon-Booz-Obeth[E]. β€œThe three are dis-
posed in the sketch in the same positions relative to
each other, which they occupy in the fresco.”). Fisher,
187 2,p. 14 , pl. 6 ,right (Recto.); pl. 7 , left (Verso.) (As
1852 .). Fisher,187 9, XVI. 2 / 13 right (Recto); XIV. 2 a/ 14
left (Verso.). Steinmann, 1905 , II, p. 604 ,no. 61 A, right
(Studies forAminadabandSalmon-Booz-Obeth.); no. 61 B,
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