The Drawings of Michelangelo and His Followers in the Ashmolean Museum

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left (Verso: studies forRoboam-Abiaslunette.). Thode,
1908 ,I,p. 269 (Michelangelo. Verso [now recto]: man
with staff and woman with child, forSalmon-Booz-Obeth
lunette. Other figures cannot be connected with executed
painting; Recto [now verso]: sleeping man sketched in
two positions forRoboam-Abiaslunette.). K. Frey, 1909 –
11 ,15 2. 6 (Verso [now recto]: weak drawings; [C] related
toAminadaband [D] toSalmon-Booz-Obethlunettes; [A
and B] after the fresco.); 151. 1 (Recto [now verso]: [A and
D] related to man in right half ofRoboam-Abiaslunette;
woman [E] related to that inSalmon-Booz-Obethlunette.).
Thode, 1913 ,no. 409 (Verso [now recto]: [A, B, C] for old
man inSalmon-Booz-Obethlunette; [D] for man inAmi-
nadablunette; twoputtinot included. Recto [now verso]:
[A, D] forRoboam, [E] forSalmon-Booz-Obethlunette; [B]
for an unexecuted lunette figure, notPersicha,asRobin-
son thought.) Delacre, 1938 ,p. 123 (Verso: [A] could in
principle be a copy after theRoboamlunette figure, but [E]
could not be after mother and child inSalmon-Booz-Obeth
lunette.). De Tolnay, 1945 ,p. 214 , under no. 28 a, figs. 248

detail, 250 detail (Recto and verso: “sketches...of a bet-
ter quality but also seem to be only copies after the lunettes
and not studies for them.”). Parker, 1956 ,no. 300 (Recto:
[C, A, B] for the figure on the right of theSalmon-Booz-
Obethlunette; [D] corresponds with figure on left of
Aminadab,but segment of circle suggests that it was to
be placed on right.” Verso: [D and A] resemble figure on
right ofRoboam-Abiaslunette; [E] resembles woman on
left ofSalmon-Booz-Obethlunette; [B] is reminsicent of
Persicha.). Dussler, 1959 ,no. 605 (Recto: links withAmi-
nadabandSalmon-Booz-Obethlunettes. Verso: links with
Salmon-Booz-Obethand andRoboamlunettes.). Berenson,
1961 , 1702 b (School of Michelangelo. Recto: [D] resem-
bles figure inSalmon-Booz-Obethlunette; [C] resembles
figure at left ofAminadablunette. Verso: [B] resembles
Persicha;[A, D] resemble figure at right ofRoboam-Abias
lunette.). Hartt, 1971 ,no. 119 (Recto: forAminadabwith
attendant figures later eliminated [lower left] andBoaz
[lower right] plus sketches forBoaz’s hands); no. 122
(Verso: forAbiahand probably forAbiud[upper right]
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