
(sharon) #1

Drug action and drug interactions(Continued)
active diffusion, 26
overview, 26
passive diffusion, 26
pinocytosis, 26
quiz, 39–40
side effects, 36–38
therapeutic index and therapeutic range, 35–36
peak and trough levels, 36
Drug concentration, 29
Drug effects, 7–8
Drug names
brand/trade name, 6–7
chemical name, 6
generic name, 6
Drug orders, 12–13, 13t–15t, 16
Drug safety, 8–11
Phase I trials: initial pharmacological evaluation, 9
Phase II trials: limited controlled evaluation, 10
Phase III trials: extended clinical evaluation, 10–11
category A, 10
category B, 10
category C, 10
category D, 11
category X, 11 m
Drug testing, 67–68, 68t–70t
Duprenorphine (Buprenex), 311
Durham-Humphrey amendment (1952) to Food, Drug
and Cosmetic Act, 3, 7

Ear disorders. SeeEye and ear disorders
Echinacea(Echinacea angustifolia), 132
Echothiophate, 404t
Efavirenz (Sustiva, EFV), 319
ELA-Max, 279
Elderly patients
assessing, 56–57
overview, 55–56
Electrolytes, 158–159
Eletriptan, 273t
Elimination, 31–32
Emetics, 335
EMLA (lidocaine and prilocaine), 279, 279t
Emollients, 340
Emphysema, 263

Emtricitabine (Emtriva, FTC, Coviracil), 319
Enalapril (Vasotec), 359
Endocrine medications
adrenal gland, 387–389, 388t
drugs and hormones, 386–387
endocrine system, 385, 386t
overview, 385, 396–397
pancreas, 391–393, 392t
gestational diabetes mellitus, 393
glucagon, 396
insulin, 393–394
oral antidiabetics, 394–396
signs and symptoms of diabetes mellitus, 393
type I diabetes mellitus, 392
type II diabetes mellitus, 392–393
parathyroid glands, 391
pituitary gland, 387
quiz, 397–398
thyroid gland, 389–391
hyperthyroidism, 390–391
hypothyroidism, 389–390
Enfuviritide (Fuzeon, T-20), 319
Enoxacin (Penetrex), 239t
Enoxaparin (Lovenox), 365
Enteral nutrition, 185–190
nursing process and, 189–190
Ephedrine, 285t
Epilepsy, 293–295
Epinephrine, 264, 284
contraindicated with breastfeeding, 55
Erythromycin, 223t, 375 t, 404 t, 407 t
interaction with chloramphenicol, 236
interaction with clindamycin, 225
Erythromycin and dirithromycin (Dynabac), 223t
Esmolol (Brevibloc), 354t
Ethacrynate (ethacrynic acid, Edecrin), 360
interaction with aminoglycosides, 230
interaction with vancomycin, 228
Ethambutol (Myambutol), 243t, 244
Ethionamide (Treacator), 244
Ethosuximide, 294
Ethotoin, 294
Ethyl alcohol, 69t
Etretinate (Tegison), 376
Excretion, 85
elderly patients, 56

(^444) Index

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