
(sharon) #1

Expectorants, 258, 265–266
Extracellular fluid (ECF), 158
Eye and ear disorders
ear disorders
cerumen impaction, 406
ear congestion, 407
ear pain, 407
medications, 101, 407t
otitis externa, 406
otitis media, 406
overview, 405–406
patient education for ear medication, 408
vestibular disorders, 406–407
eye disorders
conjunctivitis, 400–401
corneal abrasion, 401
glaucoma, 400
angle-closure glaucoma, 400
chronic open-angle glaucoma, 400
anticholinergic mydriatics and cycloplegics,
anti-infectives and antimicrobials, 402
carbonic anhydrase inhibitors, 402–403
lubricants, 402
miotics, 402
osmotics, 403
overview, 101, 404t–405t
topic anesthetics, 402
patient education for eye medication,
overview, 399, 408
quiz, 409–410

Fat-soluble vitamins, 140, 142–143
vitamin A, 139t,140, 141t
vitamin D, 139t,140, 141t, 142
vitamin E, 139t,142, 142t
vitamin K, 139t,143, 143t
Felodipine (Plendil), 352
Fentanyl (Duragesic, Sublimaze), 310t
Fight or flight response, 283, 283t
First-degree (superficial) burns, 380–381
First pass effect, 33
Flecainide (Tambocor), 354t
Flucinolone (Fluonid), 379t

Fluid and electrolyte therapy
blood and blood products, 161
body fluids, 158
electrolytes, 158–159
fluid concentration, 159–160
fluid replacement
calcium, 171–176, 172t
hypercalcemia, 173–174
hypocalcemia, 174–176
magnesium, 176–177
hypermagnesemia, 176–177
hypomagnesemia, 177
nursing process and, 162–164
overview, 161–162
phosphorus, 177–180
hyperphosphatemia, 178–179
hypophosphatemia, 179–180
potassium, 164–168
hyperkalemia, 164–165
hypokalemia, 165–168
supplements, 167t
sodium, 168–171
hypernatremia, 168–170
hyponatremia, 170–171
IV fluids
colloids, 160–161
crystalloids, 160
lipids, 161
overview, 160
overview, 157, 180
quiz, 181–182
Fluoroquinolones, 236–238, 239t
drug-drug interactions, 238
nursing diagnosis, 238
Fluoxetine (Prozac), 298, 299t
Flurandrenolide (Cordran), 379t
Fluvastatin (Lescol), 368
Fluvoxamine (Luvox), 298, 299t
Folic acid (folate, vitamin B 9 ), 146–147, 147t
Food, Drug and Cosmetic Act (1938), 2–3
Food-drug interactions, 86
Fosamprenavir (Lexiva, FPV), 319
Frovatriptan, 273t
Furosemide (Lasix), 360
interaction with aminoglycosides, 230
interaction with vancomycin, 228
Fusion inhibitors, 319


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