Mathematical Principles of Theoretical Physics

(Rick Simeone) #1


Theorem 3.20.Let u∈L^2 (T 20 M)be symmetric, i.e. uij=uji, and the first Betti number
β 1 (M) = 0 forM. Then the following assertions hold true:

1) u has a unique orthogonal decomposition if and only if there is a scalar functionφ∈
H^2 (M)such that u can be expressed as


vij=vij, Divij= 0.

2) If vijin (3.3.26) is symmetric: vij=vji, then u can be expressed by (3.3.28).

3) u can be orthogonally decomposed in the form (3.3.28) if and only if the following
differential equations have a solutionφ∈H^2 (M), andφis the scalar field in (3.3.28):




∂ φ

=−Djuji for 1 ≤i≤n,

where Rki=gk jRijand Rijare the Ricci curvature tensors, and∆is the Laplace oper-
ator for scalar fields as defined by (3.2.28).

Proof.We only need to prove Assertions (2) and (3).
We first prove Assertion (2). Sincevijin (3.3.26) is symmetric, then we have

(3.3.30) Diφj=Djφi.

Note that


∂ φj


andΓkij=Γkji. We infer then from (3.3.30) that


∂ φj


∂ φi


By assumption, the 1-dimensional homology ofMis zero,

H 1 (M) = 0 ,

and by the de Rham theorem (Ma, 2010 ), it follows that all closed 1-forms are complete
differentials, i.e. for any
ω=ψidxi, dω= 0 ,

there is a scalar functionψsuch that

ψi=∂ ψ/∂xi for 1≤i≤n.

In view of (3.3.31), it implies that the 1-form

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