3.4.4 Variational principle withdivA-free constraint
LetMbe a closed manifold. A Riemannian metricGonMis a mapping
G:M→T 20 M=T∗M⊗T∗M,
which is symmetric and nondegenerate. Namely, in a local coordinate system,Gcan be
expressed as
(3.4.27) G={gij} with gij=gji,
and the matrix(gij)is invertible onM:
G−^1 = (gij) = (gij)−^1 :M→T 02 M=TM⊗TM.
If we regard a Riemannian metricG={gij}as a tensor field on the manifoldM, then
the set of all metricsG={gij}onMconstitute a topological space, called the space of
Riemannian metrics onM. The space of Riemannian metrics onMis defined by
Wm,^2 (M,g) ={G|G∈Wm,^2 (T 20 M),G−^1 ∈Wm,^2 (T 02 M),
Gis the Riemannian metric onMas in( 3. 4. 27 )}.
The spaceWm,^2 (M,g)is a metric space, but not a Banach space. However, it is a subspace
of the direct sum of two Sobolev spacesWm,^2 (T 20 M)andWm,^2 (T 02 M):
Wm,^2 (M,g)⊂Wm,^2 (T 20 M)⊕Wm,^2 (T 02 M).
A functional defined onWm,^2 (M,g):
(3.4.28) F:Wm,^2 (M,g)→R
is called the functional of Riemannian metric. In general, the functional (3.4.28) can be
expressed as
(3.4.29) F(gij) =
Since(gij)is the inverse of(gij), we have
(3.4.30) gij=
×the cofactor ofgij.
Therefore,F(gij)in (3.4.29) also depends ongij, i.e. putting (3.4.30) in (3.4.29) we get
(3.4.31) F(gij) =
f ̃(gij,···,∂mgij)√−gdx.
We note that althoughWm,^2 (M,g)is not a linear space, but for a given elementgij∈
Wm,^2 (M,g)and any symmetric tensor fieldsXij,Xij, there is a numberλ 0 >0 such that
gij+λXij∈Wm,^2 (M,g) ∀ 0 ≤ |λ|<λ 0 ,
gij+λXij∈Wm,^2 (M,g) ∀ 0 ≤ |λ|<λ 0.