The Teen Survival Guide to Dating & Relating: Real-World Advice on Guys, Girls, Growing Up, and Getting Along

(Martin Jones) #1


224 The Teen Survival Guide to Dating and Relating

and wrote it down! I heard she’s in charge of Honor Society. Now I’m worried that I won’t get
in, even though I get all A’s.

Big Mouth

Dear Big Mouth,
Honor Society is partly about good grades, but that’s not the whole picture. Students
inducted into the Honor Society are “honorable” in the way they deal with other people.
That doesn’t mean you never make mistakes or say something you regret. But if you domake
an error, you act honorably by admitting it.
I suggest that you apologize to the teacher you were rude to. Explain that you were
stressed out about losing your binder pages and being late for class. Tell her you weren’t
thinking about what you were saying and that you’re sorry for sounding impolite. If you’re
sincere, I’m sure she’ll understand. She might even admire the fact that you tried to make
amends. Good luck!

In friendship,

My boss insults me and everyone else

Hey Terra,
I just got my first job. I love the work, the other people, and the money, but my boss is very
rude. He’s got a really loud voice, and he insults me and the other workers. I want to tell him
how I feel, but I’m afraid of him.

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