The Teen Survival Guide to Dating & Relating: Real-World Advice on Guys, Girls, Growing Up, and Getting Along

(Martin Jones) #1


Making Boyfriend /Girlfriend Relationships Work 71

  • What did I feel when I was with the other person that I don’t feel
    with my boyfriend/girlfriend? Sometimes there’s something important
    missing in a relationship. If you know what it is but you don’t talk to your bf/gf
    about it, you’ll probably end up going outside of the relationship to find it.
    That’s not honest or respectful. Take your concerns about the relationship
    directly to the person involved and try to resolve the issues that are troubling
    you. That’s how relationships grow.

  • How will I make up for the hurt I’ve caused? To repair the broken trust
    in your relationship, apologize and promise that you won’t cheat anymore. If
    your bf/gf decides to trust you, make sure that you don’t betray that trust again.

If cheating caused your relationship to end, forgive yourself. From now on,
think more carefully about your decisions, and use this experience as an oppor-
tunity to understand yourself and all your relationships a little better. Don’t give
up on yourself!

Why do I keep cheating

on my girlfriend?

Hey Terra,

I have a great girlfriend, but I cheat on her a lot. I don’t know why I keep hurting her like this.
Do you have any ideas?

Feeling Bad

Dear Feeling Bad,

You’re already aware of how hurtful and dishonest your behavior is, and that’s the first step.
Now you need to understand why you continue to cheat. What message are you sending your
girlfriend by cheating? Can you tell her in words, instead of through negative actions, what’s
on your mind? You may need help figuring out why you’ve repeatedly betrayed your girl-
friend. Talk to your school counselor or another adult you respect and trust.

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