
(Dana P.) #1

possessions to promote the purposes of God and prosperity to meet the needs
of the people of God.

“Promotion cannot be separated from
possessions. Money cannot be separated
from ministry. It takes goods to reach goals;
resources to achieve results. There must be
possessions to promote the purposes of God,
and prosperity to meet the needs of the people
of God.”

It is very unfortunate that so many leaders find this whole matter of
“raising money” distasteful. That is partly because they have so often seen
fund-raising abused by unscrupulous charlatans! However, a leader will
never be effective for God until they work through this negative mental
barrier concerning money and materialism. Nor will they ever meet a lot
of real spiritual and physical needs without some resources. It certainly
does not take money to meet every human need – because the most basic
needs of mankind are spiritual, emotional, and relational by nature. To
feed hungry stomachs...clothe naked the homeless...heal
the sick – there must be resources raised. It takes money to evangelize
the lost...send out missionaries...train national pastors...print Bibles...
transmit Christian radio and local churches...equip the
body of Christ. Effective Christian leaders MUST become generators of
resources. They must become effective in the promotion of the need to the
degree that possessions are produced and provided for the Kingdom of God.
Leaders must be able to inspire God’s people to release resources and redeem
riches for the glory of God. They must be able to unashamedly inspire
people to become Kingdom investors!

“Kingdom leaders inspire Kingdom investors
who redeem riches and release resources for the
Kingdom of God.”
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