
(Dana P.) #1

separate shepherd leadership from servant leadership. The shepherd by
definition is one who “serves the sheep” – even unto death. As Jesus said:
“the good shepherd lays down his life for the sheep” (Jn. 10:10).

The sheep do not exist for the shepherd, but the shepherd exists for
the sheep. Neither one is independent of the other. There is an inter-
dependence and mutualism between the shepherd and the sheep.

Their existence, survival and prosperity are intertwined. As one goes, so
goes the other.

The healthier the sheep, the healthier the shepherd.
The more prosperous the sheep, the more prosperous the
The more successful the sheep, the more successful the
The more the sheep grows, the more the shepherd grows.

For that kind of health, growth, maturity, and prosperity to take place
among the sheep, the shepherd must toil night and day! His shepherding
leadership skills are never off duty. Through every circumstance, the
shepherd strives to intimately know his sheep. They are not an impersonal,
abstract, nameless, faceless herd to him. They are a group of unique
individuals. The better he individually knows them, the better he can lead
them. Once again, Jesus set the perfect example of shepherd leadership.
As He describes the role of a true shepherd leader, we can see His intimate
relationship with His sheep:

“...the sheep listen to his voice. He calls his own sheep
by name and leads them out. When he has brought out
all his own, he goes on ahead of them, and his sheep
follow him because they know his voice...I have come
that they may have life, and have it to the full...I am the
good shepherd, I know My sheep and My sheep know
Me...I lay down My life for the sheep” (Jn. 10:2-16).

The longing for intimate relationship is one of the deepest and most abiding
longings of the human heart. Tragically, most people go through their entire
lives without a single intimate relationship, not with their family...their
spouse...their friends...their business associates – not even with fellow
church members, or ministry partners. They live and die in lonely isolation!

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