Foundations of Cognitive Psychology: Preface - Preface

(Steven Felgate) #1


Absent-minded errors, 391
Absolute pitch, 300, 303–304, 306, 490–491, 522
Abstraction, 277, 279, 285
Adaptation, 665–679
Aerial perspective, 505
Affordance, 423–425
Agnosia, auditory, 303
Akinetic mutism, 827
Alexia, 302, 303, 825
Alzheimer’s disease, 769, 787
perceptual, 139–142, 182
of stimuli, 139
American Psychological Association (APA), 125
American Sign Language (ASL), 262, 689, 696
Ames room, 173
Amusia, 300, 302, 764, 792
ANOVA, 127
Aphasia, 302, 805
Apparent motion, 165, 225, 229–231
Apraxia, 765
Artificial categories, 261
Artificial intelligence (AI), 37–38, 44–46, 50–51,
53, 57, 95–111, 266, 399, 567, 831
Assimilation principle, 328–329, 350
Attention, 148–158, 363–395, 404, 405, 413, 843,
for action, 823–824, 827
action-slips, 389–393
automatic processing, 384–389
bottleneck theories of, 150, 381–382
disengagement of, 376
divided, 157, 369, 378
dual-task performance, 378–384
engagement of, 376–377
evaluation of theories of, 393–394
filter theory of, 150
focused, 408
focused auditory, 363–369
focused visual, 370–378
goal-directed, 148
perceptual, 148–158, 185
preattentive processing, 153–155, 158
selective, 148, 152, 829

shifting, 376–377
visual/spatial, 821
Attentional beam, 370
Attentional engagement theory, 373, 374–375
Attributes, perceived, 264
Auditory event, 219
Auditory scene analysis, 213–248
Auditory streams, 220, 225, 229
Autoassociation, 468–471
Automatic process, 387, 388, 393
Automaticity, 388–389
Automatons, 12
Avocational pursuits, 772
Awareness, 3, 148, 153, 171, 184, 296, 445, 447

Backpropagation, 473
Balint’s syndrome, 277
Base-rate frequency, 586
Basic level objects, 251, 253, 254–260, 265, 267,
Basic object research, 256
Basilar membrane, 218
Bayes’ rule, 127, 586
Bayesian inferencing, 127, 586
Behavioral efficiency, 392–393
Behaviorism, 7, 8, 16, 831
Belief, 338, 339, 341
Belongingness, principle of, 222, 224
Berkeley, Bishop George, 6
Best-examples model, 280–281, 285, 287, 289–
Bestist, 758
Between-group trials, 199
Between-subjects design, 123, 124, 125
Biases, 585–600
effectiveness of a search set, 592
imaginability, 593
retrievability of instances, 592
Big five factor model of personality, 849–850
Bilingual, 693
Binet, Alfred, 781–782
Binocular cues, 166–168
Binocular disparity, 166–167
Binocular parallax, 505
Black box, 846
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