Foundations of Cognitive Psychology: Preface - Preface

(Steven Felgate) #1

Block-recognition problem, 231
Bottleneck theories.SeeAttention
Bottom-up processing, 140, 176–177, 185, 408,
Brain simulator reply (Berkeley and M.I.T.),
Broadbent, D. E., 150, 365–367
Broca’s area, 767
By-products, in evolution, 644–649, 673

Carolina Abecedarian Project, 798
Carryover effect, 124
Cartesian mental substance, 110
Categorization, 251–269, 277–287, 290–291
advance information, 262
critical assumption theory of, 278
horizontal dimension, principle of, 259–261
implications of principles for other fields, 258–
problematic issues of principles, 264–266
vertical dimension, principle of, 254–258
subordinate, 258, 268
superordinate, 254, 255, 267, 268, 280, 283
Category resemblance, 254, 255, 260
Causal theories, 19
Cell assembly theory, 831, 837, 839
Central capacity theory, 382–383
Characteristic frequency, 455
Chase-Simon theory, 540
Chinese room, 95–111
Chi-square test, 127
Choice, rational theory of, 601
Chunking, 297, 526, 537–540, 568
Circuitry, brain, 844, 847
Clever Hans, 121–122
Clinical judgement, 622–623
Closure, 158, 194, 232–233, 402–403, 407
Coarse coding, 456
Codes, internal, 820
Cognitive economy, 252, 259
Combination reply (Berkeley and Stanford),
Combinatorial explosion, 42–43
Common attributes, 255–256
Common fate principle, 163, 193, 197
Common region principle, 195–196, 197, 200,
Communication, 446
Compatibility effects, 611–612
Competitive learning rule, 84
Complexes, 538
Computer, 35–58, 75, 107, 109–111, 122, 444–
445, 447, 450, 452
modeling, 237
simulations, 526
Concave function of money, 602
Conceptors, 837

Conceptual integration, 655
Conceptual models, 426–434
Conceptually driven processing, 140, 176–177,
Concomitants, 675
Conditioning, 832
Confidence, 339–341
Confidence intervals, 127, 128
Confidentiality, 126
Conflict, 614–617
Conjunctive events, 595
Connection strength (between units in PDP
models), 80.SeealsoParallel distributed
processing (PDP)
Connection weights (between units in PDP
models), 83.SeealsoParallel distributed
processing (PDP)
Connectionist models, 62–66, 68, 72, 75, 79–80,
86–89, 314, 455, 465, 569, 831, 837
Consciousness, 10, 11, 16, 51, 296, 363, 850–
criteria for behavioral similarity, 11–12
criteria for visual similarity, 12
Constancy.SeeLightness constancy; Loudness
constancy; Orientation constancy; Shape
constancy; Size constancy
Constraints, 466
adaptation, 646
continuity, 70
human information processing, 526
multiple simultaneous, 58, 60
multiple simultaneous in motor control, 65
mutual simultaneous in word recognition, 60–
optimal design, 645–647
semantic, 301
stability, 518–519
uniqueness, 70
Constructionism, 311–352
Contention scheduling, 388
effects, in categorization, 289–291
influence of, in perception, 180–184
model, in categorization processes, 284,
role of, in basic-level objects and prototypes,
Continuation, law of good, 194, 206
Continuity principle, 70
melodic, 299–300
subjective, 160, 511
Controlled experiment, 118, 120
Controlled search process, 385
Controlled studies, 116–119
Convergence, 166
Conversational implicature, 725–732.Seealso
Grice, H. P.; Maxims; Obscurity of statement

856 Index

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