Foundations of Cognitive Psychology: Preface - Preface

(Steven Felgate) #1

Motion cues, 166–168
Motion parallax, 168, 505
Motion perception, 164–165
Motivation, 395
Motor systems, 65, 182, 256, 765
Multiple intelligences theory, 762, 772, 776
Multiple realizability, 9
MUSACT model, 462, 468, 475
Mutation, 643, 669

Natural selection, 503, 639–673
Nature and nurture, 143
Neural loops, 835
Neural networks, 62–66, 68, 72, 75, 79–80, 86–
89, 314, 455, 465, 569, 831, 837
Neural relays, 836
Neural theory, 837
Neuroimaging, 787, 824, 841–852
Noise, 645
Norman and Shallice theory, 387–388
Null hypothesis, 127

Object recognition, 178–180, 189–210, 399–413
Obscurity of statement (Gricean principle), 730.
SeealsoConversational implicature; Grice;
Occlusion, 169, 171, 233
Octave equivalence, 483
Old-plus-new heuristic, 223
Ontogeny, evolutionary adaptation, 642
Ontological problem, 3–12
Operationalism, 40
Optimal design, 645–647
Order effects (in experimental design), 124
Organism design theory, 667
Orientation, 163
Orientation constancy, 174–176
Oscillatory circuits, 459
Other minds, problem of, 11
Other minds reply (Yale), 105
Overlap principle, 341–344, 350

Pain, phantom limb, 5
Parallel distributed processing (PDP), 62–66, 68,
72, 75, 79–80, 86–89, 314, 455, 465, 569, 831,
activation of units, 71
active representation, 79
Parallelism, 194
Parallel search, 153
Partition, 210
Past experience, 205
Pattern associator models, 81–87
Patterning ability (raw), 772

Pavlovian conditioning, 832
Peak experiences, 577
Perceived (world) attributes, 264
Percept, 158
Perception, 68, 70, 71, 133–188, 215, 258
analytic stage of perception, 146
color, 14
depth, 166, 207
direct, 505
Gestalt, 468
identification, 136–148, 176–186
model, 75
music, 302, 455–477, 481–498, 503–514
object recognition, 136–148, 153, 176–186
perceptual organization, 135–148, 158, 185–
186, 242, 244
of pitch, 460
sensation, 135–148, 185
shape, 160–161
stereoscopic depth, 68, 89
visual, 213
Perceptron, 469
Perceptual attention, 148–158, 185
Perceptual completion, 70, 73, 232–235, 510–
Perceptual constancies, 171–172
Perceptual continuity, 410
Perceptual decomposition, 235
Perceptual grouping principles, 161–163, 191–
Perceptual organization, 135–148, 185, 189–191
objects and scenes, 189– 210
region analysis, 207–210
Perceptual set, 182
Perceptual stream, 246
Perceptual unity, 410
Peripheral vision, 405
Personality, 769, 848
big five factor model of, 849–850
Phantom limb pain, 5
Phasic response, 459
Phenomenological criteria, 15
Phi phenomenon, 165
Phoneme restoration effect, 70, 177
Phonological processing, 826–827
Photo bias, 334
Phrenology, 842–843
Physiologizing, 831
Pick’s disease, 769
Pictorial cues, 168–171
Pidgin, 696–698
Pilot study, 125
Pitch, musical, 299–300, 303–306, 481–498
absolute, 300, 303–304, 306, 490–491, 522
Plasticity, 845
Polysynthetic language, 710
Pop out, 402, 404–405
Population, statistical, 123

860 Index

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