Capoeira: The History of an Afro-Brazilian Martial Art

(Nora) #1

modinhas 41
moleque 98, 148, 210
Montagu, Ashley 17
Moraes Trindade, Mestre Pedro 182–7, 206
Moraes, Vinicius de 168
Morais, Plácido de Abreu 81
Morales de los Rios, Adolfo 16
morengy 54, 210
moringue 54, 210
Motta, Zezé 5
Moura, Jaime Alves 139
Moura, Jair (Mestre Onça) 139, 183
mrengé 54, 210
mucamas 94
mulata 189
mulattos 11, 19
mulher barbada 135
music 7, 22, 72, 105, 144, 182, 198, 202;
Angola style 157–2;
and combat games 53, 64, 66;
and fist fighting 59, 60;
and kicks/head-butting 62;
orchestras 106–11, 108, 113, 163;
patterns/rhythms 40–3, 134;
Regional 133–8, 142;
role of 154;
songs 109–14, 122;
and stick fighting 57;
use of drums/bells 38, 39–2
Muzenza group 187, 192, 195
myths, African origins 6;
Brazilian link 3–5;
burning of slave documents 7;
circulation of 3;
disguise of fight as dance 3;
function of 7–8;
and identity 7–8;
invention 3;
making sense of 8;
maroons as inventors of 5–6;
played to music 7;
of race 18;
remote origins 3–6;
runaway slaves 16–17;
use of berimbau 6–7;
use of foot kicks 7

Nachtegall, Franz 14
Nagoas 82–88

Natinho, Mestre 183
National Council of Sports (CND) 174
National Folklore Commission (CNFL) 161
nationalism, cultural 18;
elite view 10–11;
mestiço identity 11–14;
and sport 14–19;
urban lower-classes 11
Naum, Jacob 172
navalha (razor/jack knife) 72–7, 82–7, 117
negativa 97, 106, 107, 211
Nenel, Mestre 199
Nestor Capoeira, Mestre 169, 171, 187
Neves e Souza, Álbano 22–4, 47–49, 50
N’golo (zebra dance) 22, 47–52, 54, 156, 211
Nito, Mestre 186
Nô, Mestre 186, 198
Nogueira, Aristeu 139
Nokia 2
Noronha, Mestre 109, 112, 114, 118, 120, 151, 151
Nvemba-Nzinga, Don Alfonso 42

Ombrinho, Mestre (Michael Goldstein) 186
ómudinhu 52, 211
Onça, Mestre Airton 147, 173, 175
Onça Preta, Mestre 147, 151
onhandeka 51
Operation Capoeira 168
orixá 36, 37, 112, 113, 135, 176, 211
orrido 112
Ortiz, Fernando 24, 59–3
Ortiz, Renato 141
Ott, Carlos 107, 113
Ousado, Mestre 173

padroado 43
Paizinho, Mestre (Teodoro Ramos) 167
Palmares group 5, 187
pancadaria 194
Pándegos d’Africa 101
pandeiro 6, 106, 129, 133, 157, 193, 211
Paraguayan War (1865–70) 83, 99–4
pardo 80, 211
Pascoal, Uncle 114
Pastel, Mestre 187
Pastinha, Mestre (Vicente Ferreira Pastinha) 2, 22, 24, 49,
104, 107, 123, 145, 180, 181;
contribution of 145–1, 163–9;
early life 148–4;


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