Capoeira: The History of an Afro-Brazilian Martial Art

(Nora) #1

and establishment of Angola style 158–6;
and foundation of CECA 151–5;
last years 162–7;
teachings of 151–62
patás 114
patuá 211
Paulão, Mestre 172, 177, 180
Paulista Federation 176
Paulista, Waldemar 173
Paulo dos Anjos, Mestre 184, 198
Paulo Limão, Mestre 173
Pederneiras, Raul 15, 81
da Pedra Preta, João (Joãozinho da Goméia) 145
Pedro I, emperor of Brazil 76
Peixinho, Mestre 169, 187
Peixoto, Floriano 81, 88
Pelado, Peito 170
Pepeu, Contra-Mestre 183
Pereira da Costa, Lamartine 168
Pereira, Manuel Henrique (Besouro Mangangá) 119–4,
142, 173
Perez 172
Pernambuco 195
Pierson, Donald 136
Pilão, Mestre 186
Pinatti, Mestre Dejamir 174, 175
Pitu, Mestre (Roque Mendes dos Santos) 167
Poloca, CM 183
Pombo de Ouro, Mestre 177
ponteira 131
Porreta, Pedro 151
post-modernism 2
Pountain, Dick 191
Povo de santo 211
Powe, Edward L. 54, 113, 148
Powell, Baden 168
Praç da República 195
Praia, Manduca da 87–3
Preguiça, Mestre 170
Price, Richard 31
pulo da onça 154
puxada de rede 161
puyas 59

quadra 110, 193, 211
Querido de Deus, Samuel, Mestre 129, 147
Querino, Manoel 18, 20, 98, 99, 101, 111–16, 116, 117
Quilombo (film) 5
quilombo (maroon settlement) 5, 50, 211

Quimbanda (witch-doctor) 22

rabo de arraia 54, 62, 106, 137, 156, 211
race, assumptions challenged 17–18;
and Brazilian 10–14;
and hybridization 17;
and immigration policies 12;
literary texts 11, 13–14;
mestiço type 11–14;
polygenic approaches 11;
rejection of African ancestry 11;
stereotypes 16;
theories 20–2;
whitening ideology 11–12
Rafael, Mestre 159
Ramos, Artur 20–2, 22, 145, 147
rasteira 82, 106, 107, 115, 156, 169, 170, 171, 175, 211
reco-reco 6, 106, 157, 211
Recôncavo 6, 91–8, 115, 118, 167
Regional capoeira 2, 26–9, 66, 106, 183, 193–9, 198,
acrobatic movements 131–6;
baptism/graduation ceremonies 194;
development of 130–7;
differences/commonalities with Angola style 198–8;
introduction of 128–4;
meaning of 140–9;
national spread 165–85;
new rites of passage 134–9;
orchestra 133–8;
spread of 136–4
Reis, Letícia 141, 173, 176
religion 34, 36–9, 41–4, 43–6, 94–96, 112, 113–19, 156,
reza 104
Ribeyrolles, Charles 77
Rio de Janeiro 167, 168;
anti-foreign resentment in 76–75;
areas of activity 76;
arrests of capoieras in 70–5, 75–1;
broadening of social base 79–7;
as capital of plantation empire 66–4;
cultural confrontation in 68;
eye-witness accounts 71–7, 77–3;
mining/agriculture in 66–1;
police sources 71, 75;
republican purge 88–5;
slavery in 67–3;
street movements/gangs 76–75, 82–88;

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