A World History of Nineteenth-Century Archaeology: Nationalism, Colonialism, and the Past (Oxford Studies in the History of Archaeology)

(Sean Pound) #1

Poland: Friends of the Sciences (Poznan) (54),
Portugal: Real Associac ̧a ̃o dos Architectos Civis
e Archeologos Portuguezes (Royal Association
of Civil Architects and Archaeologists of
Portugal) 344; Sociedade Archeologica
Lusitana (Lusitanian Archaeological
Society) 364
Russia: Church Archaeological Society 261;
Imperial Geographical Society (includes
Russian Geographical Society) 194, 282;
Russian Archaeological Society (includes
Imperial Russian Archaeological
Society) 262, 264, 363
Siam: Antiquarian Society (Boran Kadi Samosorn)
(1907) 239; Siam Society (1904) 238
Spain: Catalan societies of Excursions 384;
Sociedades de Amigos del Paı ́s (Societies for
the Friends of the Country) 54, 55, 87; other
societies 382
Sweden: Gothic League 324
Switzerland: Historical and archaeological
society (Neuchaˆtel, 1864) 382
Tunisia: Archaeological, Historical and
Geographical Society of Constantine 267;
Society for the Exploitation of Carthage 265
Turkey: Turkish Society (Tu ̈rk Dernegi) 118
Ukraine: Church Archaeological Society 261
USA: American Antiquarian Society of
Massachusetts 286; American Institute of
Archaeology 2; American Philosophical
Society 286; Geological Society of
America 259; Society for American
Archaeology 2; Society of American
Ethnology 289

Algeria: Archaeological Atlas of Algeria 271
Canada: Geological Survey of Canada 290
China: Geological Survey of China 192n, 200
Germany: Ordnance Survey 358
India: Indian Geological survey 297
Ireland: Irish Ordnance Survey 358
Palestine: Survey of Western Palestine 150
Portugal: Portuguese Ordnance Survey 358
Russia: Russian Geological Survey 259n
Spain: Spanish Ordnance Survey (Comisio ́n
del Mapa Geolo ́gico de Espan ̃a) 356, 358
Tunisia: Survey by the Topographical
Brigades 271

Algeria:E ́cole Superieure des lettres
d’Alger 270
Argentina: Buenos Aires 183, Co ́rdoba 288

Austria: Vienna 116, 139, 154, 194, 361, 393
Britain: Aberdeen 138; Aberdeen Free Church
College 162; Glasgow 107, 199;
Cambridge 107n, 148, 162, 258, 361, 388n,
389, 390, 391; Edinburgh 290; Liverpool 153,
390; Oxford 107n, 156, 162, 191, 224, 355, 375,
390, 391
Canada: University College (Toronto) 290
Czechia: Prague 116, 361
Denmark: Copenhagen 344, 347, 361–2;
Kiel 38, 49, 360; see alsoUniversity of Kiel in
Egypt: Egyptian University 124, 124n; Higher
Teachers College 124; Private Egyptian
University of 1908–09 124
Finland: Helsinki 384
France: Colle`ge de France 62, 76, 78, 136, 157,
176, 190, 191, 195, 235; E ́cole d’anthropologie
(School of Anthropology) 389; E ́cole de
Beaux-Arts in Paris 145; E ́cole de
Chartes 334, 361, 390; E ́cole des langues
orientales 195; E ́cole practique des hautes
e ́tudes 145; Parisian; Sorbonne 109;
Toulouse 383
Germany: Berlin 138, 161, 255, 332, 334, 353,
390; Bonn 191; Go ̈ttingen 49, 161; Kiel 372;
see alsoUniversity of Kiel in Denmark;
Leipzig 154, 155, 353; Munich 92n, 116, 302
Greece: Athens 85
India: Oriental College of Lahore 194;
Punjab 194
Persia: Dar al-Funun 145
Ireland: Cardinal Newman’s Catholic University
(Dublin) 361; College (Belfast, Cork,
Galway) 360–1
Italy: Collegio dei Cinesi (the Chinese
College) 190; Istituto Universitario Orientale
(Naples) 190; Real Collegio Asiatico (Royal
Asian College) 190; Rome 393n
Japan: Kyoto 198; Tokyo Imperial
University 198, 199, 201
Mexico: University of Mexico 56
Netherlands: Athenaeum Illustre (university)
of Amsterdam 190
New Zealand: Otago University 296
Norway: Bergen 326; University of Christiania
(present-day Oslo) 326
Palestine: Hebrew University 134
Poland: Warsaw 383
Romania: Bucharest 379
Russia: Moscow 48, 252
Spain: Complutense (Alcala ́de
Henares) 37, 40; Escuela Superior de
Diploma ́tica (Higher School of Diplomacy (i.e.
Documents)) 361; Granada 275, 361;
Madrid 275, 361; University of Seville 383

476 Index

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