A World History of Nineteenth-Century Archaeology: Nationalism, Colonialism, and the Past (Oxford Studies in the History of Archaeology)

(Sean Pound) #1

Honda Eryu 200
Horner, Leonard (1785–1864) 123
Howitt, Alfred William (1830–1908) 301
Høyen, Niels Lauritz Andreas (1798–1870) 344
Hrozny, Bedrich (1879–1952) 139
Huang Jialu ̈(1679–1716) 190
Hugo, Victor (1802–1885) 329
Humann, Carl (1839–1896) 115–6
Humboldt, Alexander von (1769–1859) 56, 148,
176, 177, 182, 191, 327, 332
Humboldt, Karl Wilhelm von (1767–1835) 327,
332, 333, 333n
Hunt, James (1833–1869) 312, 348
Hutton, John Henry 300
Huxley, Thomas (1825–1895) 199, 301, 386
Huzey, Le ́on (1831–1922) 102

Icaza, Isidro Ignacio de 90
Ihering, Hermann von (1850–1930) 292
Ijzerman, Jan Willem (1851–1932) 221
Inoue Koen 200
Isabella of Castile (Queen of Spain) 39, 40,
Ismail (r. 1863–79) (Khedive (viceroy),
Egypt) 123
Ivan the Terrible (1530–1584) (Russia) 248

Jebb, Richard Claverhouse (1841–1905) 107,
JeVerson, Thomas (1743–1826) 55n, 57n
Jime ́nez de la Espada y Evangelista, Marcos
(1831–1898) 180
Jime ́nez, Francisco 175
Joa ̃o VI (Brazil) 80
Johnson, William 192
Jones, Sir William (1746–1794) 223, 225, 258,
299, 351
Jonquie`re, Edouard Lunet de la 236
Jouannet, Franc ̧ois (1765–1845) 356
Julien, Stanislas (1797–1873) 191

Kaempfer, Engelbert (1651–1716) 190
Kamal, Ahmad Pasha (1849–1923) 123–4, 126
Kamil, Mustafa (1874–1908) 126
Kanda Takahira, Baron (1838–1898) 198
Kanitz, Felix (1828–1904) 391
Karpinsky 259n
Keiller, Alexander (1889–1955) 392n
Kern, Hendrik (1833–1917) 221, 233
Kinouchi Sekitei (1724–1808) 189
Kinsbergen, Isodore van (1821–1905) 220
Kitchener, Lt. Horation H. (1850–1916) 150
Klaproth, Heinrich Julius (1783–1835) 171, 191
Klein, Frederic 134
Klementz, Dimitri 196
Klemm, Gustaf Friedrich (1802–1867) 328
Knox, Robert (1791–1862) 348

Koldewey, Robert (1855–1925) 146
Kolla ́r, Jan (1793–1852) 361
Komarov, A. V. 259
Kondakov, Nikodim Pavlovich
(1844–1925) 258, 261
Koraı ̈s, Adama ́ntios (1748–1833) 83
Kossinna, Gustaf (1858–1931) 397
Kossuth, Lajos (1802–1894) 340
Koumanoudis, Stephanos 103
Kozlov 195
Kozui Otani (1876–1948) 196, 200, 201, 406
Krom, Nicolaas Johannes (1883–1945) 216, 219,
Krone, Ricardo (1861–1818) 289
Kuhn, Thomas S. (1922–1996) 25
Kutsuki Masatsuna (1750–1802) 189
Laborde, Alexandre de (1733–1842) 330
Laborde, Leon de (1807–1869) 148
Lacroix, De ́sire ́234, 267
Lagrange, Father Marie Joseph (1855–1938) 152
Lagre ́e, captain Doudart de (Ernest Marc Louis
de Gonzague Doudart de Lagre ́e
(1823–1868) 232
Laing, Samuel (1780–1868) 225
Lamark, Jean-Baptiste (1744–1829) 329, 387
Landa Caldero ́n, Friar Diego de (1524–1579) 39
Lartet, E ́douard (1801–1871) 356–7, 394
Lartet, Louis (1840–1899) 356–7
Lastanosa, Vicencio Juan de (1607–1684) 40
Laufer, Berthold (1874–1934) 196
Lavigerie, Father Charles-Martial-Allemand
(Archbishop of Algiers) (1825–1892) 270, 271
Lawrence, Thomas Edward (1888–1935) 153
Layard, Austen Henry (1817–1894) 135, 141–4,
Le Bas, Philippe (1794–1860) 85n
Le Coq, Albert von (1860–1930) 196
Leake, Colonel William Martin
(1777–1860) 73n
Leclant, Jean (1787–1848) 76
Leemans, Conrade (1809–93) 219, 220, 295
Legge, James (1815–1897) 191
Legrand d’Aussy, Pierre Jean Baptiste
(1737–1800) 320
Leibniz, Gottfried Wilhelm (1646–1716) 42
Lejeal, Le ́on 176
Leland, John (1502–52) 35
Lenoir, Alexandre (1761–1839) 318V
Lenormant, Franc ̧ois (1837–1883) 143
Lepsius, Karl Richard (1810–1884) 76, 119–20,
Lesseps, Ferdinand Ferdinand Marie Vicomte de
(1805–1894) 121
Leygues, George 212
Link, Jacob 46

Index 481
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