7—Operators and Matrices 177
Pick the common rectangular, orthogonal basis and evaluate the components of this function. Equation ( 6 ) says
~r=x~e 1 +y~e 2 +z~e 3 so
I(~ei) =
I(~e 1 ) =
~e 1 (x^2 +y^2 +z^2 )−(x~e 1 +y~e 2 +z~e 3 )(x)
=I 11 ~e 1 +I 21 ~e 2 +I 31 ~e 3
from which I 11 =
dm(y^2 +z^2 ), I 21 =−
dmyx, I 31 =−
This provides the first column of the components, and you get the rest of the components the same way. The
whole matrix is
y^2 +z^2 −xy −xz
−xy x^2 +z^2 −yz
−xz −yz x^2 +y^2
These are the components of the tensor of inertia. The diagonal elements of the matrix may be familiar;
they are the moments of inertia. x^2 +y^2 is the distance-squared to thez-axis, so the elementI 33 orIzzis the
moment of inertia about that axis,
dmr^2 ⊥. The other components are less familiar and are called the products
of inertia. This particular matrix is symmetric:Iij=Iji. That’s a special property of the inertia tensor.
Components of Dumbbell
Look again at the specific case of two masses rotating about an axis, and do it quantitatively.
~v 2 (out)
~r 2 ×m 2 ~v 2
m 2
~r 2
~r 1
~r 1 ×m 1 ~v 1
~v 1 (in)
m 1
~e 2
~e 1