Government Finance Statistics Manual 2014

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404 Government Finance Statistics Manual 2014

Financial lease A fi nancial lease is a contract under which the lessor, as legal owner of an asset,
conveys substantially all risks and rewards of ownership of the asset to the
lessee ........................................................................................................ 7.158, A4.10
Fines and penalties Fines and penalties are compulsory current transfers imposed on units by
courts of law or quasi-judicial bodies for violations of laws or administrative
rules ..................................................................................................................... 5.142
Finished goods Finished goods consist of goods that are the output of a production process, are
still held by their producer, and are not expected to be processed further by the
producer before being supplied to other units .................................................7.83
Fiscal policy Fiscal policy is the use of the level and composition of the general govern-
ment and public sectors’ spending and revenue—and the related accumulation
of government assets and liabilities—to achieve such goals as the stabiliza-
tion of the economy, the reallocation of resources, and the redistribution of
income .....................................................................................................................1.2
Fixed assets Fixed assets are produced assets that are used repeatedly or continuously in
production processes for more than one year ........................................ 7.18, 7.35
Forfeits Forfeits are amounts that were deposited with a general government unit pend-
ing a legal or administrative proceeding and that have been transferred to the
general government unit as part of the resolution of that proceeding ....... 5.142
Forward-type contract A forward-type contract (forward) is an unconditional contract by which two
counterparties agree to exchange a specifi ed quantity of an underlying item
(real or fi nancial) at an agreed-on contract price (the strike price) on a speci-
fi ed date ............................................................................................................... 7.212
Functional classifi cation of

Th e functional classifi cation of expense provides information on the purpose
for which an expense was incurred ......................................................................6.3
General government sector Th e general government sector consists of resident institutional units that ful-
fi ll the functions of government as their primary activity ............. 1.2, 2.58, 2.76
General taxes on goods and

General taxes on goods and services are levied on the production, leasing, de-
livery, sale, purchase, or other change of ownership of a wide range of goods
and the rendering of a wide range of services ..................................................5.57
Gold bullion Gold bullion takes the form of coins, ingots, or bars with a purity of at least 995
parts per 1,000, including such gold held in allocated gold accounts ........ 7.128
Gold swap A gold swap involves an exchange of gold for foreign exchange deposits with an
agreement that the transaction be reversed at an agreed future date at an agreed
gold price ............................................................................................................ 7.161
Goods and services account Th e goods and services account shows transactions in items that are outcomes
of production activities .....................................................................................A7.78
Goods for resale Goods for resale are goods acquired for the purpose of reselling or transferring
to other units without being further processed ................................................7.84
Government units Government units are unique kinds of legal entities established by political
processes that have legislative, judicial, or executive authority over other insti-
tutional units within a given area .......................................................................2.38
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