Government Finance Statistics Manual 2014

(nextflipdebug2) #1

Glossary 413

Public deposit-taking

Public deposit-taking corporations are fi nancial corporations controlled by gen-
eral government units or other public corporations whose principal activity is fi -
nancial intermediation and who have liabilities in the form of deposits or fi nancial
instruments that are close substitutes for deposits .............................................2.117

Public deposit-taking corpo-
rations except the central

Public deposit-taking corporations except the central bank consist of all resident
depository corporations, except the central bank, that are controlled by general
government units or other public corporations ..................................................2.120

Public fi nancial corporations

All resident fi nancial corporations controlled by general government units or
other public corporations are part of the public fi nancial corporations sub-
sector .........................................................................................................................2.115

Public monuments Public monuments are identifi able because of particular historical, national, re-

gional, local, religious, or symbolic signifi cance ...................................................7.42

Public nonfi nancial corpora-
tions subsector

All resident nonfi nancial corporations controlled by general government units
or other public corporations are part of the public nonfi nancial corporations sub-
sector .........................................................................................................................2.114

Public-private partnerships

Public-private partnerships (PPPs) are long-term contracts between two units,
whereby one unit acquires or builds an asset or set of assets, operates it for a pe-
riod, and then hands the asset over to a second unit .........................................A4.58

Public sector Th e public sector consists of all resident institutional units controlled directly, or
indirectly, by resident government units—that is, all units of the general govern-
ment sector and resident public corporations ................................................1.2, 2.63

Quasi-corporation A quasi-corporation is (i) either an unincorporated enterprise owned by a resi-
dent institutional unit that has suffi cient information to compile a complete set
of accounts and is operated as if it were a separate corporation and whose re-
lationship to its owner is eff ectively that of a corporation to its shareholders, or
(ii) an unincorporated enterprise owned by a nonresident institutional unit that
is deemed to be a resident institutional unit because it engages in a signifi cant
amount of production in the economic territory over a long or indefi nite period
of time .........................................................................................................................2.33

Quasi-fi scal operations Quasi-fi scal operations are government operations carried out by institutional
units other than general government units .............................................................. 2.4

Real holding gain A real holding gain is defi ned as the value accruing to an asset as a result of a

change in its price relative to the prices of goods and services in general .......10.11

Realized holding gain A holding gain is realized when an asset is sold, redeemed, used, or otherwise

disposed of, or a liability incorporating a holding gain or loss is repaid ...........10.6

Reassignment Reassignment records a transaction arranged by a third party on behalf of others
as taking place directly by the two principal parties involved .............................3.30

Recurrent taxes on immov-
able property

Recurrent taxes on immovable property cover taxes levied regularly on the use
or ownership of immovable property, which includes land, buildings, and other
structures ....................................................................................................................5.49

Recurrent taxes on net

Recurrent taxes on net wealth cover taxes levied regularly on net wealth ........5.50
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