Government Finance Statistics Manual 2014

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414 Government Finance Statistics Manual 2014

Regional arrangements Regional arrangements involve coordination of institutional units in several coun-
tries for a particular monetary or economic purpose ......................................... A5.1
Reinvested earnings Reinvested earnings are the direct investor’s share of the retained earnings of the
direct investment enterprise ...................................................................... 5.134, 6.121
Remaining maturity or re-
sidual maturity

Remaining maturity or residual maturity is the period from the reference date
(balance sheet date) until the fi nal contractually scheduled payment date .....7.267
Rent (expense) Rent is the expense payable to the owners of a natural resource (the lessor or land-
lord) for putting the natural resource at the disposal of another institutional unit
(a lessee or tenant) for use of the natural resource in production ....................6.120
Rent (revenue) Rent is the revenue receivable by the owners of a natural resource (the lessor or
landlord) for putting the natural resource at the disposal of another institutional
unit (a lessee or tenant) for use of the natural resource in production ............5.122
Rerouting Rerouting records a transaction as taking place through channels that diff er from
the actual ones, or as taking place in an economic sense when no actual transac-
tions take place...........................................................................................................3.28
Research and development Research and development consists of the value of expenditure on creative work
undertaken on a systematic basis in order to increase the stock of knowledge, in-
cluding knowledge of man, culture, and society, and use of this stock of knowledge
to devise new applications ........................................................................................7.66
Residence Th e residence of each institutional unit is the economic territory with which it has
the strongest connection (i.e., its center of predominant economic interest) ..... 2.7
Resource lease A resource lease is an agreement whereby the legal owner of a natural resource
that macroeconomic statistics treat as having an infi nite life makes it available to a
lessee in return for a regular payment recorded as property income and described
as rent .......................................................................................................................A4.16
Resource management

Resource management activities are those activities whose primary purpose is
preserving and maintaining the stock of natural resources and hence safeguarding
against depletion ...................................................................................................A7.108
Restructuring agencies Restructuring agencies are entities set up to sell corporations and other assets, and
for the reorganization of companies .....................................................................2.129
Revenue Revenue is an increase in net worth resulting from a transaction ........................ 5.1
Sales of goods and services Sales of goods and services consist of the sales by market establishments, admin-
istrative fees charged for services, incidental sales by nonmarket establishments,
and imputed sales of goods and services ..............................................................5.136
Sales taxes Sales taxes are all general taxes levied on sales at one stage only, whether at manu-
facturing or production stages or on wholesale or retail trade ...........................5.59
Securities Securities are debt and equity instruments that have the characteristic feature of
negotiability ..............................................................................................................7.1 19
Securities lending Securities lending is an arrangement whereby a security holder transfers securities
to another party (security taker), subject to the stipulation that the same or similar
securities be returned on a specifi ed date or on demand ...................................7.160
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