
(coco) #1

to get the most out of their plant. The bottom
fan leaves are generally not smoked and are
used only to gather light for your plant. If
your plant is growing under an artificial light
source and you do not think that these fan
leaves are receiving much light then you may
think about cutting them away. This is NOT a
good idea. Fan leaves produce sugar that is
used in bud production. If you cut away the fan
leaves you may cause your bud growth to stunt
causing you to finish up with a smaller
harvest. Leave fan leaves alone where and when
you can.
The only times when you should remove a fan
leave is when it is either dying, badly burnt
or covering a large bud mass. In a SOG or a
ScrOG set-up you may want to remove a fan leaf
or two because it is covering the bud mass of
another plant. Light is the probably the most
important factor in bud development and if the
fan leaf is preventing light from reaching the
bud, then you may want to remove it.
You should remove any dead leaves from the
bottom of your plant and throw them away. Never
leave the dead leaves on your soil as a
fertilizer. These dead leaves tend to attract
unwanted pests.
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